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Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid
The Boyacá region has great mineral wealth and one of them is the sedimentary rock of kaolinitic clay, with excellent properties for the traditional ceramic industry. When performing characterization tests on this material, its plastic properties, high refractoriness, low melting point, resistance to thermal shocks and resistance to breakage were defined. These properties are due to its kaolinitic composition, aluminum silicate and the presence of magnesium in the clay. From these results, crucibles resistant to high temperatures were created by different types of manufacture, suitable for use in fusion tests at temperatures of 1200 ° C, and especially in fire tests for the characterization of gold ore.
La región boyacense cuenta con grandes riquezas minerales y una de ellas es la roca sedimentaria de arcilla caolinitica, con excelentes propiedades para la industria cerámica tradicional. Al realizar pruebas de caracterización a este material se encontró en el análisis propiedades plásticas, de alta refractariedad, bajo punto de fusión, resistencia a los choques térmicos y resistencia a la rotura. A partir de estos resultados se crearon crisoles resistentes a altas temperaturas, por diferentes tipos de fabricación, obteniéndose crisoles aptos para utilizarlos en ensayos de fusión a temperaturas de 1200°C. The Boyacá region has great mineral wealth and one of them is the sedimentary rock of kaolinitic clay, with excellent properties for the traditional ceramic industry. When performing characterization tests on this material, its plastic properties, high refractoriness, low melting point, resistance to thermal shocks and resistance to breakage were defined. These properties are due to its kaolinitic composition, aluminum silicate and the presence of magnesium in the clay. From these results, crucibles resistant to high temperatures were created by different types of manufacture, suitable for use in fusion tests at temperatures of 1200 ° C, and especially in fire tests for the characterization of gold ore.
La región boyacense cuenta con grandes riquezas minerales y una de ellas es la roca sedimentaria de arcilla caolinitica, con excelentes propiedades para la industria cerámica tradicional. Al realizar pruebas de caracterización a este material se encontró en el análisis propiedades plásticas, de alta refractariedad, bajo punto de fusión, resistencia a los choques térmicos y resistencia a la rotura. A partir de estos resultados se crearon crisoles resistentes a altas temperaturas, por diferentes tipos de fabricación, obteniéndose crisoles aptos para utilizarlos en ensayos de fusión a temperaturas de 1200°C. The Boyacá region has great mineral wealth and one of them is the sedimentary rock of kaolinitic clay, with excellent properties for the traditional ceramic industry. When performing characterization tests on this material, its plastic properties, high refractoriness, low melting point, resistance to thermal shocks and resistance to breakage were defined. These properties are due to its kaolinitic composition, aluminum silicate and the presence of magnesium in the clay. From these results, crucibles resistant to high temperatures were created by different types of manufacture, suitable for use in fusion tests at temperatures of 1200 ° C, and especially in fire tests for the characterization of gold ore.
Titulo del recurso fuente
mineral de oro, prensado, caolinita, crisoles, material cerámico.