Effect of mining on aquatic macroinvertebrates in the ciénaga plaza seca, Atrato, Chocó.

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Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid
The wetland ecosystems of the middle Atrato basin have been affected by factors such as mining, which interrupt the natural ecological dynamics of these aquatic communities, including the assemblage of aquatic macroinvertebrates. The effect of gold mining contamination in the Pla-za Seca marsh, Middle Atrato basin, Chocó, Colombia, was determined. The structure and dynamics were analyzed. Macroinvertebrate specimens were collected from substrates such as macrophytes, sediment and riparian vegetation, fixed with 70% alcohol; physicochemical and hydrological parameters were measured. A total of 175 organisms were collected, distributed in 2 classes, 7 orders, 22 families and 27 genera. The order Odonata was the most representative (34%), followed by Coleoptera (28%). The Shannon-Wiener diversity index showed low values (1.92 bits/ind). The physicochemical variables were influenced by mining activity in the areas surrounding the marsh.
Los ecosistemas de humedales de la cuenca media del Atrato se han visto afectados por factores como la minería, que interrumpen la dinámica ecológica natural de estas comunidades acuáticas entre ellas el ensamblaje de macroinvertebrados acuáticos. Se determinó el efecto de la contaminación minera aurífera en la ciénaga Plaza Seca, cuenca Media del Atrato, Chocó, Colombia. Se analizó la estructura y dinámica. Los ejemplares de macroinvertebrados se colectaron en sustratos como las macrófitas, sedimento y vegetación de ribera, se fijaron con alcohol al 70%; se midieron parámetros fisicoquímicos e hidrológicos. Se colectaron un total de 175 organismos, distribuidos en 2 clases, 7 órdenes, 22 familias y 27 géneros. El orden Odonata fue el más representativo (34%), seguido de Coleóptera (28%). El índice de diversidad de Shannon-Wiener arrojó bajos valores (1,92 bits/ind). Las variables fisicoquímicas se vieron influenciadas por la actividad minera que se desarrolla en las áreas aledañas a la ciénaga. The wetland ecosystems of the middle Atrato basin have been affected by factors such as mining, which interrupt the natural ecological dynamics of these aquatic communities, including the assemblage of aquatic macroinvertebrates. The effect of gold mining contamination in the Pla-za Seca marsh, Middle Atrato basin, Chocó, Colombia, was determined. The structure and dynamics were analyzed. Macroinvertebrate specimens were collected from substrates such as macrophytes, sediment and riparian vegetation, fixed with 70% alcohol; physicochemical and hydrological parameters were measured. A total of 175 organisms were collected, distributed in 2 classes, 7 orders, 22 families and 27 genera. The order Odonata was the most representative (34%), followed by Coleoptera (28%). The Shannon-Wiener diversity index showed low values (1.92 bits/ind). The physicochemical variables were influenced by mining activity in the areas surrounding the marsh.
Titulo del recurso fuente
Macrophytes, nutrients, sediments, Odonata, Hydrocanthus, Macrófitas, nutrientes, sedimentos, Odonata, Hydrocanthus