Determination of the BMWP/COL, (QBR), (IHF) and ICO indices in Valledupar, Colombia.

dc.creatorTorres-Cervera, Karina Paola
dc.creatorHerrera-Martínez, Jesús Ramón
dc.creatorNavarro-Sining, Breiner Andrés
dc.creatorMartínez-García, Nicolás
dc.creatorRoyero-Ibarra, Adriana
dc.creatorCahuana-Mojica, Aleana
dc.descriptionThe environmental quality of the water course of the Guatapurí river on the Hurtado health resort was determined in the months of December 2018 to June 2019, for this, the QBR, IHF, BMWP / COL and ICO contamination index evaluated in 3 sections were used (upstream – health resort - downstream) on a 1.387km path during the rainy and dry seasons. The results obtained were correlated using Spearman's methodology. The biological indexes showed the following results in the study area; The BMWP / COL presented very clean water quality, in QBR it presented riverside with extreme degradation, IHF presented a moderately diverse aquatic habitat and the physical chemical parameters evaluated partially complied with current regulations for water use. The ICO indices evaluated showed a relationship between strong and moderate with IHF, while the relationship with QBR was moderate and BMWP / COL was not acceptable.en-US
dc.descriptionSe determinó la calidad ambiental del curso hídrico del río Guatapurí sobre el balneario Hurtado en los meses de diciembre de 2018 a junio de 2019, para ello, se utilizaron los índices QBR, IHF, BMWP/COL e índice de contaminación ICO evaluados en 3 tramos (aguas arriba – balneario – aguas abajo) en un trayecto de 1.387km durante las temporadas de lluvia y sequía. Los resultados obtenidos fueron correlacionados utilizando la metodología de Spearman. Los índices biológicos mostraron los siguientes resultados en el área de estudio; el BMWP/COL presentó calidad de agua muy limpias, en QBR presentó riberas con degradación extrema, IHF presentó hábitat acuático medianamente diverso y los parámetros físico químicos evaluados cumplieron parcialmente con la normatividad vigente para uso de agua. Los índices ICO evaluados mostraron relación entre fuerte y moderada con IHF, mientras que la relación con QBR fue moderada y BMWP/COL no fue aceptable. The environmental quality of the water course of the Guatapurí river on the Hurtado health resort was determined in the months of December 2018 to June 2019, for this, the QBR, IHF, BMWP / COL and ICO contamination index evaluated in 3 sections were used (upstream – health resort - downstream) on a 1.387km path during the rainy and dry seasons. The results obtained were correlated using Spearman's methodology. The biological indexes showed the following results in the study area; The BMWP / COL presented very clean water quality, in QBR it presented riverside with extreme degradation, IHF presented a moderately diverse aquatic habitat and the physical chemical parameters evaluated partially complied with current regulations for water use. The ICO indices evaluated showed a relationship between strong and moderate with IHF, while the relationship with QBR was moderate and BMWP / COL was not
dc.publisherPolitécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavides-ES
dc.rightsDerechos de autor 2022 Karina Paola Torres-Cervera, Jesús Ramón Herrera-Martínez, Breiner Andrés Navarro-Sining, Nicolás Martínez-García, Adriana Royero-Ibarra, Aleana Cahuana-Mojicaes-ES
dc.sourceRevista Politécnica; Vol. 18 No. 35 (2022): January-June, 2022; 110-127en-US
dc.sourceRevista Politécnica; Vol. 18 Núm. 35 (2022): Enero-Junio, 2022; 110-127es-ES
dc.sourceRevista Politécnica; v. 18 n. 35 (2022): Enero-Junio, 2022; 110-127pt-BR
dc.subjectEnvironmental Qualityen-US
dc.subjectquality Forest riverside index (QBR)en-US
dc.subjecthabitat river index (IHF)en-US
dc.subjectBMWP/COL Indexen-US
dc.subjectPollution Index (ICO)en-US
dc.subjectCalidad Ambientales-ES
dc.subjectÍndice de Bosque de Ribera (QBR)es-ES
dc.subjectÍndice de Hábitat Fluvial (IHF)es-ES
dc.subjectÍndice BMWP/COes-ES
dc.subjectÍndice de contaminación (ICO)es-ES
dc.titleDetermination of the BMWP/COL, (QBR), (IHF) and ICO indices in Valledupar, Colombia.en-US
dc.titleDeterminación de los índices BMWP/COL, (QBR), (IHF) E ICO en Valledupar, Colombiaes-ES